Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We Are One, Forgiven, Through Christ

BY: Renin Raj


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28

Wouldn't it be great if we could tear down all the walls that divide us -- racial, social, economic, and gender. The apostle Paul spent his entire life trying to do just that: to tear down the walls that divided people by bringing them to Jesus and the cross. There are no positions of superiority or inferiority at the foot of the cross, only a place for those who discover God's might displayed in sacrifice and God's love displayed even when under attack at the hands of human cruelty. While the forces of culture and human selfishness are always finding ways to divide us, we must remember that in Jesus, and only in Jesus, can we be one.

Forgive me, O God, when I have let prejudice and suspicion keep me from fully enjoying fellowship with those whom you have claimed as your children.

I pray that my life will be an example of redemption and unity as I seek to love your children as you do. In the name of Jesus, whose dying prayer was for unity I pray. Amen

Courtesy: Frank Giuliani

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fit For Service...

BY: Renin Raj

1 Timothy 1:12-15

Dear Father, Thank you for the strength that you give us to minister to others. We bless you for judging us faithful and for committing talents to us by which we may help others.

In spite of our offenses against you, you show great mercy in overlooking our ignorance and unbelief and by now giving us opportunities and encouragement to serve you.

You have made the graciousness of our Lord Jesus Christ overflow to us in the faith and the love that are available in him.

How sure and worthy of full acceptance is the truth that our Lord Jesus came into the world to save sinners. We were sinners!

Thank you for the salvation that you wrought for us through him, in whose name we now pray. Amen.

Courtesy: Frank Giuliani

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yes, I Believe

BY: Renin Raj

Yes, I Believe

Martha answered. " Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God. You are the One that was coming to the world."

John 11:27

Do you believe? Everything hinges on this faith. Do you believe that Jesus is God's Son, the Messiah, who came to the world from God? That faith is crucial. So say it out loud! Share it with someone else. Someday, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess it. So let's say it now to the praise of his glory! And let's remember that not even disappointment, death, misunderstanding, and loss could strip this faith from Martha... or us!

To the praise of your glorious grace, dear Father, I confess that I believe with all my heart that Jesus is your Son and my Savior, the Christ, the Messiah promised your people, who lived as one of us and was Immanuel, God with us! Amen

Courtesy: Frank Giuliani

Monday, August 16, 2010

Determined not to Believe

BY: Renin Raj

There were many Jews that came to visit Mary. They saw what Jesus did and many of these Jews believed in Jesus. Some of the Jews went to the Pharisees. They told the Pharisees what Jesus did.

John 11:45-46

Some folks just won't believe. It doesn't matter what they see or what others say; they are determined not to believe in Jesus. How do we explain this kind of thing? People have to will to do God's will if they are going to believe!

If they play with sin, they open their hearts for Satan to block their believing. Sometimes, more often than we would like to imagine, religion can be a tool of Satan's to contribute to unbelief. Something like that happens here. However, we don't give up because God can use the circumstances in people's lives to open their hearts. We are not sure how many of the skeptics and unbelievers at this stage of Jesus' ministry became believers at Pentecost (See Acts 2).

Holy and almighty God, please use me and the circumstances of the lives of the following people to open their hearts to Jesus ... I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Courtesy: Frank Giuliani

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We are, He is

BY: Renin Raj

In a universe so vast, what is our little planet? In a planet so diverse and so full of life, what are simple everyday people? Among all the billions of people alive and who have lived before us, what significance do I have? Jesus reminds us that our significance is great -- not because we are so important, but because we are known personally by God. We don't have to be afraid; we are known and loved by the One who is and was and is to come!


Eternal God, Almighty Father, Tender Shepherd, you already know my heart. You know where I struggle with sin; please empower and forgive me. You know my fears; please encourage and strengthen me. You know my immaturity; please nurture and mature me. You know my weakness and disease, please comfort and heal me. Holy God, I am both awed and comforted that you know me and love me.

Thank you! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Frank Giuliani

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Emergency Phone Numbers

Mailed By: Somy Sam Elizabeth

Psalms 119:105

Dear Yuvas,
When in need please use the following Emergency Phone Numbers

When in Sorrow ------------------------------------------------------------- Call John 14

When Men Fail you ------------------------------------------------------ Call Psalm 27

If you want to be fruitful ------------------------------------------------- Call John 15

When you have sinned ------------------------------------------------- Call Psalm 51

When you worry ----------------------------------------------------- Call Mathew 6:19

When you are in danger ------------------------------------------ Call Psalm 91

When God seems far away ------------------------------------ Call Psalm 139

When your faith needs stirring ----------------------------- Call Hebrews 11

When you are lonely and fearful ----------------------------- Call Psalm 23

When you grow bitter & critical --------------------- Call 1Corinthians 13

For Paul's Secret to happiness ---------------------- Call Colossians 3:12

For understanding of Christianity------------------------------- Call
2 Corinthians 5:15

When you feel down and out ------------------------------------- Call
Romans 8:31

When you want peace and rest --------------------------------- Call
Matthew 11:25-30

When the world seems bigger than God -------------------- Call
Psalm 90

When you want Christian assurance ----------------------- Call
Romans 8:1-30

When you leave home for labor or travel -------- Call Psalm 121

When your prayers grow narrow or selfish ----- Call Psalm 67

For a great invention/opportunity ---------------------------- Call
Isaiah 55

When you want courage for a task ------------------------- Call
Joshua 1

For how to get along with fellow men -------------- Call Romans 12

When you think of investments & returns
--- Call Mark 10

If you are depressed ------------------------------------- Call Psalm 27

If your pocketbook is empty ----------------------- Call Psalm 37

If you are losing confidence in people ---------- Call 1 Corinthians 13

If people seem unkind
---------------------------------- Call John 15

If discouraged about your work--------------------- Call Psalm 126

For dealing with fear ---------------------------------- Call Psalm 34:7

For security -------------------------------------------- Call Psalm 121:3

For assurance
---------------------------------------------- Call Mark 8:35

For reassurance
------------------------------------------- Call Psalm 145:18

All lines to Heaven are open 24 hours a day! Therefore feed your Faith, and Doubt will starve to death! Have a Wonderful day and always remember that God answers all!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Gods Love.. Its So Wonderfull

BY: Renin Raj

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:14

Jesus' love for children in an age when they weren't highly regarded is a powerful reminder. It is a reminder of God's love for what the world often abuses or abandons. We are called to love the unloved, the forgotten, the abused and neglected. Why? Because that is what Israel was in Egypt and that is what Jesus was at Calvary and that is what we were without grace (Romans 5:6-11). How can we claim to know salvation and not share it with others who need that grace? How can we claim to be Jesus' disciples and not show love for those the world forgets?

Father, I want to be more of a parent like you -- a holy and loving parent to my own children and a tender parent to the forgotten children of today. Help me not only to be aroused by the neglect and abuse children suffer in my world, but to be moved to act in ways that bless them. In the name of Jesus, the great lover of all children I pray. AMEN.

Courtesy: Frank Giuliani