Friday, July 30, 2010

Taste The Lord !!

BY: Renin Raj

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalm 34:8

Some aspects of faith are indescribable: they can only be experienced and known by doing them. Taste the Lord. Sample his goodness. Lean on his grace. Take refuge in his care. We are blessed to find him near and take our refuge from life's greatest dangers and death's greatest fears.

Help me, dear Father, to know you better. Open my heart, dear Lord, so that I will more fully entrust myself to your care. Open my eyes to see just how gracious you are - not to impress me, but to share in your grace. Thank you for your goodness. In Jesus' name. AMEN

Courtesy: Frank Giulian

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Overcoming Fear...

BY: Renin Raj

Am Afraid, I hear myself say. And in the saying, I practice the presence of Fear, rather than rest in the safety of God. Jesus says His Spirit within me is one of power, love, and a sound mind. But He whispers while Fear is loud

Fear screams for me to run. But God beckons me, Come..... Friends, fear is an emotion in the mind that is produced when one's life is in danger on account of external forces or things. Man reacts to the situation with a fear-emotion. Fear is illusory; it cannot live... Courage is eternal, it will not die. Perils, calamities, dangers are the certain lot of every man who is a denizen of this world

Therefore, friends Fortify your mind with courage and patience. Fortitude, courage, presence of mind will sustain you through all dangers. Just as a rock on the sea-shore stands firm and the dashing of the waves does not affect it even a bit, even so a man who is endowed with courage is not affected by the dark perilous waves. He stands adamant in all trying conditions and circumstances and comes out victorious.

Fear pushes me to produce protection. But God whispers i have already overcome... and so i stand on rock and watch as the sand sinks swiftly down. To be love-led rather than fear-driven is to stand on the rock underneath

Sit with closed eyes in the early morning. Meditate on courage, the opposite of fear. Think of the advantages of courage and the disadvantages of fear. Practice the virtue during the day. Feel that you actually possess courage to an enormous degree. Manifest it in your daily life. In some weeks or months fear will be vanished and replaced by courage i feel.

Getting alone with God for a few minutes every day is the best medicine for fear, If you cannot afford this, utilize every scrap of leisure you presume to enjoy. Select a lonely place, a river bank, the top of a mount, the open terrace of your house, a sea shore, a simple pleasant meadow. Purge all your wavering thoughts. This will be quite easy in any of the above localities as all the senses will be drawn by the exquisite, beauty of the spot or landscape or by the deep silence pervading all-round.

A devotee sees only the Lord in all names and forms. He beholds Lord everywhere. How can there be fear, then, for him? Take refuge in Lord, in His name and grace. All fears will vanish completely. He will bestow strength, fortitude, courage, presence of mind, etc., in you. Abandon desires, jealousy, anger, enmity and all sorts of worldly attachment. Pray and meditate.

Where have you placed your feet today?
I have placed my feet on Jesus Christ the solid rock of life. because with him i am saved from all fears, with him i am protected, with him i am happy, with him this mercy is being renewed in my life, every blessed day of life. So am standing on the solid rock of God.

Courtesy: Frank Giulian