ONAM CELEBRATIONS - 9th September 2012
ONAM CELEBRATIONS - 2nd October 2011
ONAM is a celebration of happiness. This festival has great significance in our rich heritage. Traditionally celebrated as a harvest festival, it gives us a message of equality and togetherness. People celebrate the festival irrespective of cast, creed or religious barriers.
We, the Yuvas at Mysore Marthoma Church are fortunate to organize the festival in grand style. We are organizing a mega event, full of fun and frolic, to commemorate our traditions culture and art forms. The theme for this year’s Onam celebrations is “Cultural Affinity”
2nd October 2011
Nursery Building, St Thomas School Campus.
Vidyaranyapuram, Mysore.
Mysore Yuvas cordially invite you all with your family to make this celebration a memorable event.
Mysore Yuvas cordially invite you all with your family to make this celebration a memorable event.
Rev. Saji Thomas Prof. Kochubaby P.V
President Vice President
For Queries Contact:
Vibi Abraham
Mob: 9243520035; e-mail: vibipa@gmail.com
Renin Raj
Mob: 9845094489; e-mail: renin4u@gmail.com
================================================================================= Vibi Abraham
Mob: 9243520035; e-mail: vibipa@gmail.com
Renin Raj
Mob: 9845094489; e-mail: renin4u@gmail.com
YOUTH SUNDAY - 10th October 2010
Dear Yuvas
This Sunday i.e 10th of October 2010 is being observed as Youth Sunday at Mysore Marthoma Church.
We at Mysore Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam request all the youths to be a part of this Worship on Sunday. Let us all come together and praise the name of our Beloved Father Jesus Christ.
Lets Go one One Way - To Jesus, Because He is the Only one that we could live for.
Lets Go one One Way - To Jesus, Because He is the Only one that we could live for.
"Jesus, Your Are the Way, The Truth And the Life, We Live By Faith And Not By Sight ! For You ! We Are Living All For You"
As we the Mysore Yuvas celebrate the success of our first ever three days camp at Mysore, we have never stopped working for Christ,
because we believe "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them."
The next mission of Mysore Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam is to visit Bapuji Children's' Home and Bapuji Anand Ashram at 151/F,Gokulam 3rd Stage, Mysore 570002
in the coming month. (The Date Will Be Announced Soon)
because we believe "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them."
The next mission of Mysore Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam is to visit Bapuji Children's' Home and Bapuji Anand Ashram at 151/F,Gokulam 3rd Stage, Mysore 570002
in the coming month. (The Date Will Be Announced Soon)

Dr. (Mrs.) Anandi Bai Prasad (1912 - 1993) was running a maternity home in 1970’s when she found that many times some mothers abandon their babies and leave the nursing home without giving the correct address. Not knowing what else to do with them, she kept such abandoned babies in the hospital itself. Soon, she found that she was running a fairly large nursery and also that she was very much attached to these abandoned children. She decided to formalize this arrangement and started Bapuji Children’s Home in 1975 in the premises of Prasad Medical Center by forming the Bapuji Children's Home Trust.

In 1977, the Government of Karnataka State recognized this Voluntary Non-Profit Organization as a ‘ Fit Person Institution .’The main object of the Trust is to take over destitute children and to bring them up in accordance with the philosophy and ideals of Indian BAPU, i.e. Mahatma Gandhi, by providing a homely atmosphere, education and vocational training; to help them earn a living and be good citizens of the society irrespective of caste, creed and community.

Bapuji Children's Home, started with 8 children, is now giving shelter to around 40; majority of who are girls. Most of them are abandoned children. They are either committed by the Child Welfare Committee or abandoned by destitute mothers.
Children come, children go, but life at the Home goes on. With the girls growing up and attaining marriageable age one more responsibility of the trust is to find suitable bridegrooms for these girls. The Home has celebrated 26 weddings so far, out of which some were Church Weddings.
Children come, children go, but life at the Home goes on. With the girls growing up and attaining marriageable age one more responsibility of the trust is to find suitable bridegrooms for these girls. The Home has celebrated 26 weddings so far, out of which some were Church Weddings.
We Mysore Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam Yuvas burning for Christ the savior are taking a step ahead and doing our bit to bring some smiles and happiness on those elderly people and children at Bapuji Home. Yuvas, do Join us in this endeavor and help us making this visit a success and a meaningful one.