We the Mysore Yuvajana Sakhyam have opened our hearts to do Good Works, because we believe we are God’s Workmanship created to do His Work.
We welcome all the youth to come with open mind and heart and join in one spirit to work for God. Get registered into the ministry of God!
Join hands to be the members of God’s Kingdom and LET’S GET STARTED.
Join hands to be the members of God’s Kingdom and LET’S GET STARTED.
The Mysore Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam and JT Ministries proudly present to you "GET STARTED", a three days spiritual fellowship camp on 16th, 17th and 18th July 2010 at Marthoma Church, Vishweshwara Nagar, Mysore.
Fun, Frolic, Spiritual Fellowship, Team Challenges, Group Discussion, Praise & Worship, Special Talent and much much more is just a few days away. Come and be part of it!!
Registration charges Rs.300/- per person inclusive of food and stay. Can it get any better than this, friends? Contact numbers, e-mail address and website are mentioned on the poster attached (Click to enlarge the poster).
So see you all on 16th July 2010 as we Get Started to become a part of what God has called us to do!!